Southern New Hampshire’ University

FIN 640 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: For your final project, the CEO has asked you, the new investment manager of XYZ Tech Company, to produce an investment analysis report describing how to invest the firm’s cash and cash equivalents in the financial markets. You will prepare an investment analysis report for the company, which will include a portfolio analysis template that you will use to outline how you will invest the cash in selected public corporations. Finally, your reasons behind your investment strategies should be noted in an executive summary.

For this first milestone, due in Module Three, you will submit your company profile. Using the investment parameters for XYZ Tech Company along with your own financial database research, you will fill in the portfolio analysis template and write a 2- to 3-page paper outlining the securities that your company will invest in to create a well-diversified investment portfolio. You will analyze each company and its performance in the financial markets over the past five years, include a company valuation for each firm, and identify stakeholders in the company.

Prompt: First visit Morningstar to retrieve stock and bond information for each of the following companies:

• Apple, Inc. (AAPI.)

• Caterpillar (CAT)

• Consolidated Edison (ED)

• Northern Trust (NTRS)

• Macy’s (M)

Next, using the portfolio analysis template provide the specified data to explain the company’s growth period (revenues, earnings market share, etc.).

Finally, in a 2- to 3-page paper, discuss the five-year history of each company by visiting the respective websites and databases covering the firm and industry. The paper should briefly discuss the products and services produced by each company that were major contributors to the company’s success. It should also discuss each company’s strengths given the competitive nature of the industry. Based on the financial items and key ratios of the company that you have researched, include a brief discussion of the company’s valuation. (Hint: The Key Ratios on the Morningstar website list competition and industry ratios and could be downloaded directly into Excel for easier comparison.) You should also identify the key stakeholders, particularly common stakeholders, in the company.
