Every manager knows the strategists mantra:
To be successful, your firm must have a core competency.
The concept of core competencies is pervasive. We conducted an online
search of business publications in 2003 and found more than 3,000 arti
cles containing the term. (Another 3,000 mention competencies, ap
parently taking for granted that they were core.) Many of these
articles identifY the core competencies that make specific firms success
ful. South Mrican life insurance company Citadels core competency is
its advice. BlueCat Networks core competency is developing high
quality software. Indeed, most managers can readily identifY the core
competencies of their own firms.
The term core competencies has exploded onto the strategy scene
in just a few years.Wben we searched for articles published in 1990, we
found only 10 that mention the term. W hile the term is new, the un
derlying concept is not. Strategists have put new words to an old con
cept and that old concept is as simple as it gets: To be successful, firms
have to do something well. If there is any nuance in the current incar
nation of this concept, it is that firms should not do the things that they
do badly.
Unfortunately, strategic thinking often fails to extend beyond mak
ing a list of things done well. Managers often make such lists during the
dreaded SWOT analysis breakout session of a firms annual retreat (see
Chapter 1). Such an exercise has some value, if only to stimulate discus
sion. But analysis of core competencies cannot be boiled down to a few
minutes of list making and an hour of discussion. It takes considerable
time to come up with a defensible, quantifiable list of core competen
cies. Once the competencies have been identified, there are many addi
tional issues to be reckoned with that are usually ignored.
The rest of this chapter provides an intellectual foundation for the
concept ofdoing things well and introduces a framework for analyz
ing strategy that accomniodates specific concepts such as core compe
tencies, as well as many other popular strategic concepts. We call this the
B-C (B minus C) framework. Because the B-C framework is both
powerful and general, we think it is an ideal tool for organizing strategic
analysis. As a way of motivating the B-C framework, we begin by dis
cussing the sometimes shaky relationship between core competencies
and profits.
Core competencies do not guarantee profits, as many examples prove.
Throughout the 1990s, American Airlines ranked among industry lead
ers in efficiency and customer satisfaction, and its Sabre subsidiary has
the best computerized reservation system in the industry. Even so, pro
longed industry pricing woes nearly forced American to join many of
its competitors in seeking bankruptcy protection. For more than three
decades, pharmaceutical giant Merck has led the industry in research
and development expertise and output. But Merck has lost patent pro
tection on most of its successful drugs and currently faces the same fate
for cholesterol blocker Zocor, the worlds second leading selling drug.
Many wonder if its pipeline of new drugs is strong enough for Merck
to maintain its elevated status. We could go on and on-competencies
do not guarantee profits.
OPe reason for the frequent disconnect between core competen-
8 MINUS C 29
cies and profits is that several firms may possess the same competen
cies, leading to destructive competition. American is not the only
hub and spoke carrier. Merck is not the only pharmaceutical com
pany researching cholesterol reduction. Even firms that seem to enjoy
a dominant market position can see their dominance erode over
time, as new firms enter the market. In video gaming, Atari begat
Nintendo, which begat the Sony Playstation and the Xbox. In desk
top computing, Xerox was the real innovator, but was followed by
IBM, which then saw a stream oflow priced imitators: Leading Edge,
Compaq, Dell, and Gateway. Some incumbents seem to enjoy long
spells of dominance-think Alcoa Aluminum or Starbucks coffee
but successful incumbents should always expect other firms to try to
grab some of the profits for themselves.
Even in the absence of competition and entry, firms with core com
petencies often fail to prosper. Most major league baseball teams attract
millions of fans every year and receive nonstop media coverage. Yet
most teams lose money, while many of their employees (the players)
reap small fortunes. There are many other examples of firms that are
squeezed by their top employees (hospitals, law firms, and universities
among them) .The problem these firms face is that they have not tied up
the key assets that create their competence.
( Still other firms are squeezed by distributors or retailers. Just ask any firm that sells to Wal-Mart whether it is easy to turn a profit. Wal-Mart
accounts for nearly 10 percent of all nonauto related retail sales in the
United States, and Wal-Mart customers do not take much notice of
who makes the products that Wal-Mart sells. It is sufficient for the brand
to have some credibility, and for the price to be extremely low. This
gives Wal-Mart the upper hand when negotiating with competing ven
dors, so much so that Wal-Marts take no prisoners negotiation style
with vendors is legendary. In fact, not only does Wal-Mart obtain deep
discounts from its suppliers, it forces them to invest in distribution tech
niques that hold down Wal-Mart? costs.Just like baseball teams that do not
control their key asset (the athletes), consumer goods suppliers do not
control a key asset (the _ channels offered by Wal-Mart) . The result is the
same: Profits are hard to come by.
These examples show that for a firm to be profitable, it is not enough
to possess a competency (i.e., do something well). The following must
also be true:
The firm must avoid the ravages of competition.
The firm must survive the threat of entry.
The firm must control the assets that determine the value of its
These are not the only limitations of the competency concept. There
are a host of issues associated with putting the concept of competencies
into practice. How does a firm identifY a competency? How does it ac
quire it? How does it know that the competency is genuine?
Fortunately, we can deepen our understanding by turning to a basic
concept in microeconomics: the concept of value creation. In our view,
this simple economic idea can serve as the foundation for all of strategy.
In the remainder of this chapter, we lay out the key economic principles
of value creation. In Chapter 3, we present the resource-based view of the firm, a powerful theory that clarifies how value is converted into profits.
We begin our economic analysis by defining value:
Value is the difference betv.reen the benefits enjoyed by a firms cus tomers and its cost of production.
There are other ways to define value, and we do not claim that ours is
the only reasonable definition. However, this particular definition leads
to many insights, and that is why we like it. Perhaps the most important
of these insights is expressed by the following proposition relating posi
tioning to value creation:
A :j]_rm in a competitive market can earn a profit only if it creates more
value than its rivals.
8 MINUS C 31
To understand why this is true, it is helpful to discuss a few preliminar
ies regarding the concepts of costs and benefits.
A firms costs include all expenses associated with production, includ
ing the cost of capital1 A good cost accountant can help a firm compute
its costs. Benefits can be thought of as the value (measured in monetary
terms) that the customer derives from consuming the firms output.
When measuring benefits, it is important to deduct any offsetting incon
veniences. Sometimes, benefits and inconveniences are easily measured
in dollars. A good example is the fuel savings enjoyed by consumers who
purchase Toyotas Prius hybrid car, or the hundreds of dollars in increased
fuel costs for those who purchase a Hummer H2 sports utility vehicle.
More often than not, benefits and inconveniences are intangible. The
Prius offers owners the piece of mind that comes with a car that re
ceives top marks for reliability. But Prius owners must also accept mod
est performance and limited luxury appointments. The H2 offers
unique style and superior off-road performance, but it is not the most
comfortable car for everyday driving. Consumers balance all of these
factors and more when assessing the benefits of different vehicle
choices. W hen it comes to most intangible benefits, different customers
would place a different monetary value on each.
It is sufficient that consumers perceive that a product offers superior
benefits, even if there is no tangible evidence of those benefits. This may
explain why many participants in blind taste tests cannot tell any differ
ence between Coke and R C Cola, yet most consumers prefer to have
Coke on hand rather than RC. Cokes market dominance is evidence
enough that it delivers more value than RC. It is futile to argue that con
sumers are somehow irrational; this conclusion is more likely a failure of
the analyst to truly understand the basis for the consumers choice. We
will take for granted that consumers do, in fact, make the right choice, and that this reflects the underlying product benefits. We revisit this argu
ment in Chapter 4, when we detail how to quantifY benefits.
B Minus C
We are now ready to understand our proposition. It helps to introduce a
bit of notation. Let B measure the benefits or happiness the product
gives its customers (measured in monetary terms). B should also ac
count for any user costs, which include, for example, the costs of acquir
ing the product, learning to use the product, storing the product, and
disposing of the product. Once we account for user costs) we can think
of B as the maximum amount that consumers would be willing to pay to
purchase the product. Let C measure production costs. This includes the
cost of all inputs that had to be sacrificed or used up in the production
process of that good (also measured in monetary terms). This is the
amount that cost accountants are supposed to report as the cost of
goods sold.
The amount of value that a firm creates is equal to B-C (B minus
C). To prove our proposition, we need one more variable. Let P stand
for the price. We can now divide value, or B-C, into two components:
1. B-P = the benefits enjoyed by consumers, above and beyond the purchase price. Firms that offer the highest levels of BP will en joy the largest market shares.
2. P-C = the sellers profit per unit sold. Firms that offer the highest P-C will have the biggest unit profit margins.
It should now be obvious that if a firm offers higher BC than its ri
vals, then it can set price so that it simultaneously (1) offers consumers
more BP than do competitors, and (2) enjoys a higher P-C than competitors. This translates into a larger market share, profit margins,
and higher profits.
One important implication is that from the standpoint of a firms
strategy, there is no such thing as a price position or a price advantage. Any firm
can set a low price, but if it does not have low costs, it will simply go
out of business faster than its rivals. By the same token, any firm can set
a high price, but without high benefits, it will have no customers and
soon perish. Successful positioning requires creating B-C. Pricing is just
the means used to translate that position into profits.
Firms that create high B-C do not have to aim for both a higher
market share and higher margins at the same time. It might make more
sense_-for a firm with a B-C advantage to increase its price to the point
where it enjoys very high margins but a relatively small market share
8 MINUS C 33
(think Neiman Marcus). There are other situations when it makes sense
to keep prices low, resulting in a dominant share but with lower margins
(thinkWal-Mart).We detail the choice between a margin strategy and
a share strategy later in this chapter.
In the books Competitive Strategy (1 980) and Competitive Advantage
(1985), Harvard Business Schools Michael Porter argues that firms
should choose among three generic positions or strategies (cost advan
tage, differentiation advantage, and niche strategy)2 These generic
strategies are often a cornerstone of strategic analysis. W hile the B-C
framework is an alternative to generic strategies, you need not unlearn
the generic strategy approach. In Table 2.1, we see how the two ap
proaches compare.
Cost advantage is analogous to reducing C across a broad product
line, while maintaining reasonable B parity. Firms such as Hyundai and
Saturn succeed in this way. Firms such as Kia have lower costs, but their
B is so low that they have failed to win many customers.
Differentiation advantage stems from desirable characteristics that
make a firm unique, such as Federal Expresss reliability or Nordstroms
customer service. A differentiated firm is uniquely better on dimensions
Porters Generic Strategy
Cost Advantage
Differentiation Advantage
Niche Strategy
Table 2.1 Porters Generic Strategy Framework
B-C Analogue
Lower· C; Comparable B
Higher B; Comparable C
Higher B-C in narrow
market space
Dell Computer; Wal-Mart
Cray, Inc. (Supercomputers);
Gateway (home office
market); Bed Bath &
that virtually all consumers prefer (as opposed to being better in ways
that appeal to just a few consumers). This is analogous to increasing B in
the eyes of most consumers.
A focus strategy is a cost or differentiation strategy that is limited to a
submarket and may not appeal to most consumers. For example, the
Martin-Brower Company is a global distribution services company that
is the largest provider of supply chain management services to the Mc
Donalds worldwide restaurant chain. These services include specialized
distribution and extensive truck fleet operations. Because the firm is fo
cused on a narrow customer base (mainly one customer!) the firm is
able to generate higher benefits and/ or is able to produce its services at
lower costs relative to a firm configured to serve a greater variety of
Focus strategies are especially attractive when competitors are pursu
ing broader cost or differentiation strategies that fail to deliver consis
tent B-C across all customer segments. Microsoft Word dominates the
word processor software market, but does not deliver particularly high
value to a number of customer segments. For example, many academic
researchers need to type complex mathematical formulae, a task that is
well beyond the capabilities of MS Word. This has created an opportu
nity for TCI Software Research, whose Scientific Word dominates this
small but profitable market niche.
In addition to being a complementary means to express the firms
position, we think many analysts will find the B-C framework more
flexible than the generic strategy approach. The B-C framework builds
on the generic strategies by allowing us to think quantitatively about
positioning. Positioning is more than just a trichotomous choice; firms
are precisely positioned along a B-C spectrrun. Viewing positioning
along a continuum will aid in successful identification and implementa
tion of strategy. This point is nicely illustrated by considering what hap
pens to firms that are stuck in the middle.
Stuck in the Middle
Many. strategists, including Porter, admonish firms not to pursue more
than one generic strategy at a time, lest they end up stuck in the middle,
8 MINUS C 35
with neither a cost nor a differentiation advantage. There are many ex
amples of firms that unsuccessfully straddle strategic options, making a
compelling case for avoiding such apparent strategic indecision. How
ever, by considering this argument in light of the B-C approach, we see
that there is much more to the concept of stuck in the middle than a
simple strategic rule of thumb.
The B-C framework does not imply a necessary tradeoff between
strategic options. Consider the value creation strategies listed in Table
2.2. Firms can decrease C, increase B, or do both. The latter value cre ation strategy should be possible according to the B-C framework.
In fact, there are many examples of firms that appear to offer higher
B and lower C than does the competition-lean-differentiators, if you
will. Toyota and Honda revolutionized the market for small and mid
size family cars in the 1980s by offering better quality at lower prices.
American Airlines seemed to occupy such a strategic position through
the 1980s, before Southwest expanded and Americans unions extracted
large wage concessions. In these examples, firms improved their produc
tion technology (Toyota and Honda through total quality management,
American through its revolutionary Sabre reservation system) and, as a
result, enjoyed higher B and lower C.
There are many other examples of firms that succeed without offer
ing either the highest B or lowest C, but simply by offering high B-C:
Dannon yogurts, Panasonic DVD players, Dell computers, and Chr ysler
Table 2.2 Stuck in the Middle Strategy
Value Creation Strategy
Achieve lowest cost position in industry.
Achieve highest benefit position in industry.
Decrease C and increase B to achieve highest value position in industry.
B-C Position
Outcompete rival.
Outcompete rival.
Outcompete rival.
Porter Position
Cost advantage.
Benefit advantage.
Stuck in the middle.
-?· ? ??-· ?????_,.___???
minivans are all market leaders that give consumers high value, but offer
neither the highest B nor the lowest C. The facts clearly show that firms
can succeed without having the highest B or the lowest C. Moreover, it
would be foolish to advise Dell to abolish its customer service (reduce
B by a lot, just to save a bit on C) or to tell Chry sler to build more
powerful minivans that handle like sports cars (raise C a lot and B a lit
tle). These firms have found just the right balance of B and C; any
movement would reduce their value creation.
Yet we do not wish to dismiss the potential problems of being stuck
in the middle. If consumers have sufficiently differentiated preferences,
then the firms that pursue value creation may end up offering high
value to the small number of median consumers, leaving the bulk of the
market to firms that focus on the high or low end.
We also suspect that firms get stuck in the middle because of prob
lems with strategic implementation. W hen firms face the following
conditions, clarity of strategic purpose may be valuable:
Achieving cost or benefit excellence involves discontinuities. It is
sometimes difficult to improve product quality without substantial
investments. For example, it costs $500 million to develop a new heart drug; one cannot develop a heart drug that is half as good for
$250 million. In these situations, compromise leads to disaster? vast sums spent with no benefit improvements to show for it. Dis
continuities also characterize the world of entertainment, where
one movie (or one recording) might be slightly better than the
rest, yet command the lions share of sales revenues.
This problem is magnified if lower level managers have great discre
tion over resources. Managers who confiont daily the tradeoffi that
determine the success of corporate strategy may need unambiguous
guidance from senior executives, or find it difficult to determine how
to resolve them. If different managers commit to different objectives,
and the firm cannot achieve any objectives through piecemeal mea
sures, then success may again be elusive. We recommend that senior
executives make the firms objectives clear to all managers. It never
hurts to create value, but if the firm seeks a specific position in the marketplace, be sure everyone knows where the firm is heading.
The bottom line is that stuck in the middle may have more to do
with strategy implementation than with strategy selection. Firms that
create the most value should outperform their rivals. But firms may pre
fer the simplicity of focusing on B or C to the complexity of weighing
B against C, especially when there are discontinuities.
Disruptive Technologies
Another popular concept in strategy, disruptive technologies, fits nicely
into the B-C framework. The term, which was coined by Harvard
Business Schools Clay Christensen, is used to describe new products
that offer consumers low quality but are also much cheaper to produce
than existing technologies. These products have the potential to funda
mentally change the landscape of an industry. Hondas early motorcycle
line (smaller engines than Harleys), personal computers (less powerful
than mainfiames), and e-mail (less personal than snail mail) are among
countless examples.
Using the Porter framework of benefit and cost advantage, it is easy
to understand the threat posed by disruptive technologies. Firms with a
benefit advantage iguore the new technology. In short order, the benefit
leaders suffer irreparable harm as their market shares wither. This seems
like a deep insight, combining an old theory (Porters) with a novel idea
(Christensens) to reach new and profound conclusions.
The B-C framework reveals that there is actually nothing new or
profound in the concept of disruptive technologies. In fact, it is just an
other example of the general concept that firms thrive by creating
value. Remember that consumers do not care only about B; they care
about B-P. W ith its dramatically lower C and somewhat lower B, a dis
ruptive technology enables new firms to offer attractive B-P positions
to even the most demanding customers, while still enjoying higher
profit margins. The predictable result is that the firms with the highest
B-C come to dominate the market.
Christensen observes that many disruptive technologies are stealth
technologies, in the sense that they often go unnoticed when first in
troduced, but catch on as the technology catches up. In effect, B im
proves over time, increasing the B-C differential in favor of the
newcomer. But the observation that new technologies improve over
time is true in general, not just for low B/lower C disruptive tech
nologies. (As we discuss in Chapter 8, the learning curve is nearly
In the final analysis, the concept of disruptive technology is just a
special application of B-C. Firms that are wedded to the pursuit of a
benefit advantage-mistakenly believing that a high B is sufficient for
success-will be surprised by a disruptive technology. But firms that pay
attention to B-C will not.
All firms have a natural or target customer segment. In B-C talk, the
target segment is the particular set of customers for whom the fir m
generates the highest B-C. Either the tar get segment perceives the B
of the fir ms output to be high relative to the perception of other cus
tomer s, or the target segment is less costly for the fir m to serve relative
to the cost of serving other customers. A target segment can be large
(think of the customers attracted by Wal-Marts low prices or Toyotas
reliability) or small (only a select group of audiophiles would consider
paying $1 0,000 for a Theta Digital home theater sound processor.)
Using Porters terminology, targeting is relevant to firms pursuing a
niche strategy.
It is usually easy to see how a product generates B-C for its target
segment. Breyers Carb Smart line of ice creams generates B for cus
tomers who struggle to reconcile their love of ice cream with their de
sire to stay on the Atkins diet. Pre cors folding treadmills target exercise
fanatics with limited floor space. Apex Digitals low end DVD players
target customers with small screen televisions who would not notice
the improved quality of higher cost units.
Target identification is essential for positioning. Without it, firms will
usually fail to provide an attractive level of B-C for any customer seg
ment. If the firms management sincerely believes that everyone should
prefer the firms product or even view it as equivalent to the offerings of
competitors, it is likely (and unfortunate for the owners of the firm)
that the firms management has never explicitly performed target iden-
tification. In identifying their target, firms should not only isolate cus
tomers who perceive a higher B when consuming the firms output, but
also determine the cost differential of serving different customers. For
example, managers of firms whose products are expensive to transport
should know exactly how costs change with distance. Quite simply,
thinking strategically about ones business means identifying the firms
target customer segment and truly committing to this definition.
Ted Williams became a baseball hitting legend as a player for the
Boston Red Sox. Williams is famous for saying, Get a good pitch to
hit. Williamss hitting strategy is depicted in Figure 2 . 1 . He divided his
strike zone into 77 baseballs, 7 wide by 1 1 high. Williams projected what he would hit at each pitch location, from .230 on the low-outside
strike to .400 in what he called his happy zone, the heart of the plate,
belt high3 Another of Williamss quotes, All I want out of life is when I walk down the street people say There goes the greatest hitter that
ever lived was realized in 1941, when Williams hit .406, making him
the last baseball player to break the magic .400 barrier.
Anyone who aspires to be known as the greatest manager who ever
lived would do well to take two lessons from Williamss approach to
1. Find the customer base that falls in your happy zone-the customers
to whom you can deliver the most value Williams knew that he
could not reach all pitches with equal effectiveness, so he studied
statistics on his own performance to assess where he had the most
2. Be disciplined. Williamss thorough knowledge of the strike zone
and willingness to lay off pitches out of his happy zone produced
a nearly 3-to-1 ratio of walks to strikeouts, an unheard-of statistic
for a power hitter. He farmed 64 times as a rookie, and never more
than 54 in any other season. Similarly, it requires a tremendous
amount of impulse control to resist swinging at customers who
are on the low outside.
Figure 2.1 Ted Williamss Happy Zone
Strike Zone
Teds happy zone high .300s and .400s
These will get you in the .200s
Ted Williams thought of the strike zone as a grid of 77 balls. He learned that choosing where to s-..ving in the grid determined the hitters batting average. Low and on the out side was- least desirable, vvith the happy zone in the m iddle of the grid. Analogously, you can divide your customers into a grid, where your batting average is your profitability in serving a customer or customer segment. Ted would say, stick to your happy zone.
Most business managers understand that there are customers they
should not serve. Yet those who have rigorously applied discipline to
customer targeting are strictly in the minority. Few firms have the
stomach to relinquish existing customers and identifY customers whom
they will not serve. But successful B-C analysis requires managers to as sess value creation by customer segment, and stick to those segments for
which the firm delivers superior B-C.
Most targeting efforts look at ways to increase B for specific customer
segments. It is also possible to create value by targeting suppliers. Target
ing suppliers creates value by reducing the costs of critical inputs
those inputs that have a large impact on unit costs.
To understand how to target suppliers, consider that the input sup
pliers to any one firm usually have outside options. Disneys animators
have their choice of movie studios, Lucas Verit y can sell its antilock
brake components to its choice of car makers, and Boise Cascade can
sell its wood to countless furniture makers. The amount that a firm has
to pay an input supplier is almost entirely determined by the attractive
ness of the suppliers outside options. Supplier targeting means identifY
ing inputs whose outside options a