Question 1 Who asked to bury Jesus’ body?

Question 2 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?

Question 3 “Total responsibility” means that any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God.

Question 4 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

Question 5 Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism?

Question 6 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.

Question 7 According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.

Question 8 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.


Question 9 The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.

Question 10 Salvation from the perspective of the individual includes the elements of repentance and faith.

Question 11 Ray Comfort indicates that only 50-60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith.

Question 12 According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of the intellect.


Question 13 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”

Question 14 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God’s work, or by the individual keeping the law of God.

Question 15 Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not one’s will.

  1. Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual.
  2. Sanctification includes elements of being set apart in the past, continually being set apart in the present, and ultimate separation in the future.
  3. According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.
  4. The roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.
  5. The bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.
  6. Justification is an Instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
  7. Due to the fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
  8. According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?
  9. The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.
  10. According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin, everyone is born onto the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.
  11. According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of intellect.
  12. Repentance is the same as feeling sorry.
  13. Who asked to bury Jesus’s body?
  14. Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism?
  15. Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not ones will.






1Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural andthen go to the


When a person receives Jesus Christ, he/she becomes a new creation, and the sinnature is eliminated.


2.Sanctification includes elements of being set apart in the past, continually being setapart in the present, and ultimate separation in the future.


3.According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.


4.The roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten theirdeath.


5.The bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.


6.Justification is an Instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.


7.Due to the fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.


8.According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

9. The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.


10. According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin, everyone is born onto the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.


11. According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of intellect.


12. Repentance is the same as feeling sorry.


13. Who asked to bury Jesus’s body? Joseph of Aramathea and Nicodemus


14. Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism? Free Will


  1. Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not ones will.


the two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.Selected Answer:


Question 10Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not one’s will.Selected Answer:


Question 11?Total responsibility” means that any man in his natural state is incapable or unableto do anything to please or gain merit before God.Selected Answer:


Question 12Due to the Fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.Selected Answer:


Question 13Ray Comfort indicates that only 50-60% percentage of converts were falling away from thefaith.Selected Answer:


Question 14Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.Selected Answer:


Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”Selected Answer:


Question 2Justification is an instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.Selected Answer:


Question 3What part does baptism play in the salvation process?Selected Answer:It is a symbol of redemption and regeneration


Question 4An accurate definition of “justification” is “just-as-if-I-never-sinned.”Selected Answer:


Question 5Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God.Selected Answer:


Question 15Faith is a result of one’s own works and efforts.Selected Answer:


What is the relationship between works and salvation?

Faith is prompted by God’s love to do good works


Why do Christians do good works?

1) The love of God
2) Gratitude
3) The command from the bible
4) Pragmatism


When did Christianity become Rome’s national religion?

AD 313


What was the Ulster revival?

When many unbelievers got saved after a prayer meeting in Ireland


What did European missionaries do wrong in their approach?

Rather than allowing the Gospel to transform the culture it touched, they often imposed a European culture on a People struggling with the implications of the Gospel in their own life.


What is “trickle down” influence?

When a native chieftain of a tribe is converted and he decrees that everyone become a Christian


What is “bubble up” influence?

Begins in the heart of individuals when they are converted. Salvation transforms their values and attitudes.


Which is more effective, the “trickle down” influence or “bubble up” influence? Why?

The bubble up influence because it doesn’t need laws passed to change people or society.


When is a nation considered to be “Christianized”?

When Society assumes Christian values and attitudes.


T/F Oikos conversion in the New Testament is the promise that the presence of one Christian in a family guarantees the eventual conversion of all other family members of his family.



What term do foreign missionaries use to describe oikos conversion?

A People Movement


What is a “people movement”?

Where many People make an individual decision to believe in Jesus Christ, but they make the same decision with others, simultaneously, and all become Christians.


How did the term “the Protestant work ethic” come about?

Family values changed in many homes touched by Protestantism, and a major change was the attitude toward work and leisure. Protestant ministers taught people their primary goal is to give God the Glory


What does “Redemption and Lift” refer to?

As a secondary impact of that work ethic. Those who work the hardest are rewarded financially


What church’s revival does the author recount in this reading?

…Liberty University


What started the revival in that Church?

…A lone Student confessing his sins and weeping at the pulpit


T/F According to the author revival is only a recent phenomenon, a unique cultural event erupting in the late 19th and early 20th century.



How does the author define revival?

…An extraordinary work of God in which Christians repent of their sins as they become intensely aware of HIS presence in their midst, and they manifest a positive response to God in renewed obedience to the known will of God, resulting in both a deepening of their individual and corporate experience with God, and an increased concern to win others to Christ.


What percentage of converts did the lecturer say he found were falling away from the faith?



What was the lecturer’s point with his illustration about the 2 men on a plane?

…The horrific consequences of disobeying Gods law. Have the right motive


What was the lecturer’s point concerning Groaninzin’s disease?

…We preach the Gospel of grace without the sacrifice. They are not convinced of the disease so they can appreciate the cure


Why does the lecturer suggest that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual?

…Because the natural Man will not receive the spiritual things of God


According to the lecture what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

…They have so much conviction


What does the lecturer suggest NOT to preach in the gospel message?



According to the author, Christ’s death was….

the only way to salvation and points to His declaration of “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” ( CC,pg. 29)


Where was Jesus crucified?

He was crucified on a hill outside of Jerusalem, a place called “The Skull” (Golgotha) (CC, pg. 32)


What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?

Friday, (CC,pg. 35)


What were the two accusations made against Jesus?

Blasphemy and Treason (CC,pg. 32)


What two men asked to bury Jesus’ body?

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (CC, pg. 34)


What did the blood and water that Jesus shed show?

Medical authorities have said that at the point of death, blood and water in the heart sac separate so that when the body is pierced, the liquids came out separately. (CC,pg. 34)


What is a substitutionary death?

Jesus took the place of those who should have died. (CC, pg. 36)


What is redemptive death?

redeemed means “brought back,” so when Jesus died, He redeemed his people (CC, pg. 37)


What does propitiation mean?

propitiation means “to satisfy”. Christ’s death satisfied the fine that we could not pay.


According to the Bible, what is conversion?

a voluntary change of mind, emotions, and will by te sinner, as the person turns from sin to Christ as Savior. (CC, pg. 53)


What are three parts of the conversion experienced?

1) Intellect (CC,pg. 53-54) 2) emotions (CC, pg. 54) 3) the decision whereby the individual chooses God (CC, pg.54)


T/F One can be saved by a choice alone.

False. (CC, pg. 54)


T/F Feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.

False (CC, pg. 55)


T/F The terms “regeneration” and “born again” have the same meaning.

True (CC, pg. 57)


T/F Conversion is what God does in a sinners’ life.

False. Conversion is what a person does, regeneration is what God does. (CC, pg. 57)


Where in the Bible can the idea of regeneration be found?

throughout the whole Bible (Praxis, pg. 117)


What two components could be viewed as salvation from the perspective of the individual?

repentance and faith (pg. 117)


What does it mean to be justified?

“an act of God’s free grace wherein He pardons all our sins and accepts us as righteous in His sight” ( Praxis, pg. 123)- it means to be declared righteous.


How does Gruden define justification?

“an instantaneous legal act of God in which he 1) thinks of our sins forgiven and Christ’s righteousness belonging to us and 2) declares us to be righteous in his sight. (Praxis, pg. 123)


Understand the three aspects of sanctification.

1) at salvation the individual is set apart, 2) after salvation, sanctification is an ongoing process (the present sanctification) and 3) when we go to heaven, we will be entirely set apart to God. (Praxis, pg. 128)


Why is mankind in opposition to God?

because of sin (Praxis, pg. 133)- God’s wrath burns against you and me.


T/F Repentance and feeling sorry are basically the same thing.

False. Repentance is more than feeling sorry. (Praxis, pg. 139). Repentance is a change of mind.


God provides us with the faith to do what?

God provides us with the faith to believe. (Praxis, pg. 140)


What are the five points of Calvinism?

Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints ( Election and Salvation,pg. 1)


What does total depravity mean?

that man cannot even respond to God on his own. ( E & S, pg. 1)


What is Unconditional Election?

The process of God choosing man without any outside influence
(E & S, pg. 2)


What is Limited Atonement?

God’s atonement was limited to those he predestined or chose so Christ died for those that were already chosen and not for everyone. (E & S, pg. 3)


What is irresistible Grace?

God is as immutable as the power of God so that
man cannot resist it. They teach that since God of Hi
s own free will has chosen (elected) man and Christ has
died for him, then man cannot resist the power of God that brings him to salvation. ( E & S, pg. 5)


What does the author give as an alternative to perseverance of the saints?

doctrine of eternal security or preservation. (E & S, pg.6)


What is regeneration?

“Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God.” (Conversion, pg. 1)


What are the results of regeneration?

Regeneration results in more than eternal life, it makes possible our sanctification. Regeneration is the result of that experience which is called being born again. (Conversion, pg. 1)


The term “anothen” translated “born again,” can also be translated as what?

The term anothen, translated “born again,” can also be rendered: “born from above.” (Conversion, pg. 2)


T/F Adam died physically within days of eating the fruit in the Garden.

False. “Adam disobeyed God and ate the fruit, but lived 930 years (Gen. 5:5).” (Conversion, pg. 2)


T/F As a result of Adam’s sin everyone is born in the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins,

True. “As a result everyone is born into the world spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1) because of trespasses and sins.” (Conversion, pg. 2)


T/F When a person receives Jesus Christ he becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated.

False. “When a person receives Jesus Christ he becomes a new creation, but this does not mean the sin nature is eliminated or is upgraded.” (Conversion, pg. 2)


what are the 3 steps that the Roman’s Road teaches one must know to be saved? (Explain)

1) The first step in this plan is to know your need. The Bible says, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). (Rom. 3:23 2) The second step is to know the penalty. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). 3) A third step in God’s plan of salvation is to know the provision. This provision is found in the gospel. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8) (Rom. 6:23) (Conversion, pg. 4-5)


How is sin like a marathon runner who misses beating a record by three seconds?

If a marathon runner attempts to set an Olympic record, it makes little difference if he misses by five seconds or five hours. He has missed the standard he had set for himself. Even if we were “almost perfect,” we still fall short of God’s holy standard of perfection. (Conversion, pg. 5)


What part does baptism play in the salvation process?

Some churches baptize, teaching that baptism saves a person. But baptism should not be equated with salvation. Baptism could be defined as “salvation symbolized. (Conversion, pg. 6)- It is a symbol of redemption and regeneration


Who originated the theological system of Arminianism?

Jacob Arminius (Arminianism, pg. 1)


Describe the major tenants of the Arminian view.

1)Free will, 2)resistible grace, 3)unlimited/universal atonement, 4)denial of eternal security-perseverance of some saints, 5)conditional election


What does Arminianism tend to limit its definition of sin to?

A second problem with Arminianism is the tendency to redefine sin in such narrow limits as to deny all sin except “voluntary transgression.” (Arm., pg 2)


Do Arminians believe in Eternal Security as Baptists do?



What percentage of converts did the lecturer say he found were falling away from the faith?

80-90% (Hell’s Best Kept)


What was the lecturer’s point of view with his illustration about the 2 men on the plane?

1st man- vest will make fight more enjoyable, mocked/teased (persecution)=humiliated and disillusioned 2nd- told he will jump 25Kft., grateful-wants to escape harm– illustrates the modern gospel of health, wealth, prosperity with man 1. real gospel- righteousness not happiness


What was the lecturer’s point concerning Groaninzin’s disease?

idea of selling house to get $ for cure of G. disease. Giving as a free gift but won’t mean anything if we don’t know what the disease is. if We know what it is we can appreciate sacrifice and gift.


Why does the lecturer suggest that when sharing our faith we should start with natural and the go to the spiritual?

because natural man cannot understand the things of the spirit. start with what people can comprehend first, pattern of Jesus


According to the lecture what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley, and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?



Why does the lecturer suggest NOT to the preach the gospel message?

to make for fear filled converts instead of tear filled converts. also not to preach zeal with out knowledge


The best expression of Calvinism is found in what acronym?



What does T.u.l.i.p. stand for?

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints


What are 2 negative tendencies of Calvinism?

fatalism and legalism


How did the Five Points of Calvinism come to be?

After Calvin’s death, in protest to Arminianism as taught by Jacob Herman (Arminius)


What did the Council of Dort conclude?

That the points of Arminianism were heresy. Reaffirmed the reformed teaching of John Calvin in Tulip.


Generic Calvinists

Identify as Calvinists because they are not Arminian. Believe in the sovereignty of God, salvation by grace and eternal security.


Definitional Calvinist

Usually identified with the Reformed or Presbyterian Church and is committed to the major tenets of faith usually identify with John Calvin.


T/F The way a person defines terms will determine if he is a Calvinist and also whether or not the system is inconsistent.



How does the Calvinist qualify “free will”?

Man is not totally free but is able to respond to God because of election and irresistible grace.


Human Personality

made up of: intellect, emotion, will and moral awareness.


T/F Since man will be
judged by God for his decision, it w
ould be immoral for God to punish
man for his lack of response to that which he could not do.



T/F To say that God has chosen some and passed over others is to breach the nature of God. Why?

True – divides the unity of God, implying
duplicity, ignorance, or partiality in God


What are the 5 arguments against limited atonement?

1) Substitution
2) Redemption is adequate
3) Propitiation was made for the sin penalty of the world (1 Jn 2:2)
4) Jesus satisfied all the demands of the law
5) Jesus reconciled the world unto Him by His death


T/F Christ dealt with the sin-principle and satisfied the law-unit.



T/F The necessity of human response fulfills our
understanding of God’s relationship to His creatures.



Arguments against irresistible grace.

1) takes away initiative from man
2) a correct understanding of the means of obtaining salvation
3) inconsistent with the nature of a man as reflected from the image and likeness of God
4) some individuals in scripture turned their back on Christ


Call of God

Calling is the invitation of God to men to accept by
faith the salvation in Christ. It is sent forth
through the Bible, the preaching of the Gospel, and
in many other ways. Nothing can be clearer
from the teaching of Scripture than the fact that the call and invitation are universal and that there is a
free offer of salvation to all who hear and repent and believe.


T/F The doctrine of eternal security is the same as the perseverance of the saints



Weaknesses of Arminianism




that theological system originated by Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), while he taught at the
University of Leyden in South Holland


T/F There is a substantial agreement in the basics or fundamentals of the faith in the teachings of Arminius and Calvin



Best known American teachers in England

John Wesley & John Fletcher


T/F In determining the theological orthodoxy of an Bible teacher, it is best to follow the Berean example and evaluate their teaching in the light of scripture.



What is Conversion?



2 Biblical Terms used to describe becoming a Christan.

1) Conversion – viewed in terms of man’s role (repentance & faith)
2) Regeneration – considered from God’s perspective



the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God



Born-again (Born from above)


Conversion is related to all 3 powers of man

Intellect, emotions and will



Propositional – Formula that is accurate (God’s plan)
Personal – Person of Jesus Christ


God’s plan of salvation

1) know your need
2) know the penalty
3) know the provision
4) personally respond


2 Emotional reactions to the Gospel

1) godly sorrow (leads to further spiritual insight)
2) sorrow of the world (sorrow for getting caught)



“salvation symbolized” (symbol of redemption & regeneration)


Instrument of Salvation

The Bible


Agent of Salvation

Holy Spirit


Hell’s best kept Secret (audio)



Functions of God’s law for Humanity (Rom 3:19)

1) stop the mouth of justification
2) acts as a schoolmaster


Prime motivation for evangelism



paliggenesia (Greek)

New life or renewal – Titus 3:5, Mt. 19:28


Theology Applied – A Living Faith




“declared righteous”



“An instantaneous legal act of God in which he (1) thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ’s righteousness as belonging to us, and (2) declares us to be righteous in his sight”



a person is in a right position with God


qadowsh (Hebrew)

to be holy, set apart or sacred


hagios (Greek)

a holy thing or a saint


Spiritual Steps to experience God’s Guidance

1) Don’t ignore the guidance of God
2) Remain sensitive to the guidance of God
3) Read daily and pray always
4) Don’t strive to be a spiritual superhero overnight


hilasmos (Greek)

an appeasing


soteria (Greek)

deliverance or salvation


4 Considerations in the Concept of Conversion

1) Includes the entire person
2) Repentance is more than just feeling sorry
3) Faith is a gift from God
4) Fruit is a result of salvation, not its cause


metanoia (Greek)

a change of mind


pistis (Greek)

to have a conviction about the truth of something


Every human being is spiritually lost

Romans 3:23


Every person has merited or deserves God’s punishment for that sin

Romans 6:23


We can’t save ourselves in any possible way

Eph 2:8-9, Titus 3:5


All hope is not lost

Romans 5:8


What we need to believe in order to receive God’s salvation

Romans 10:9-10





What did the Jews accuse Jesus of?

Blasphemy and treason


Who asked Pilate for Jesus’ body

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus


When did Jews begin their Sabbath?

sundown on Friday


How was the tomb guarded?

1) official seal
2) set the guard


Jesus’ death was:

1) sufficient
2) redemptive (death of Christ satisfied the law)
3) reconciling


3 Parts to the Conversion Experience

1) Intellect (know he’s a sinner)
2) Emotions (conviction of sin, love for God)
3) Will (choose God)


what does “believe with all your heart” mean?

every part of your inner being




Question 1 Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit of placing in one who has been given the gift of faith a new nature which is capable of doing the will of God. Selected Answer:

Question 2 Who asked to bury Jesus’ body?


Question 3 According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins. Selected Answer:


Question 4 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God’s work, or by the individual keeping the law of God. Selected Answer:


Question 5 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.” Selected Answer: False Question 6 Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism? Selected Answer: Free Will Question 7 An accurate definition of “justification” is “just-as-if-I-never-sinned.” Selected Answer:


Question 8 Ray Comfort indicates that only 50-60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith. Selected Answer:


Question 9 The idea of regeneration is found in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament. Selected Answer:

Question 10 When a person receives Jesus Christ, he/she becomes a new creation, and the sin nature is eliminated. Selected Answer:

Question 11 The Bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation. Selected Answer: False Question 12 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message? Selected Answer:

Question 13 According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you. Selected Answer:

Question 14 Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not one’s will. Selected Answer:

Question 15 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer. Selected Answer:



