Instructions I just Need to write the letter and a power point Your Final is your Final Story Project – Assignment Specifics: 1. Typed, 12 Pt. Font Times New Roman, Double Spaced Letter to Yourself. 2. Video Recording of yourself reading the letter – Please upload the recording to Youtube, make it unlisted so only I who you give the link to can see it, then you can delete after grading. Uploading to Youtube is the best way I can view and grade, other downloads get lost in translation. So please if you don’t have a Youtube account make one, or borrow a friends. You can use any recording media but I suggest   (Links to an external site.)You will see an example on the next page. Use of Final Story Planning Document and Rubric  attached When creating your project, you should use your Final Story Planning Document and feedback from your professor to guide you. Also, use the Final Story Rubric to guide you in developing the different areas of your presentation. This is your cumulative project in the course so it is important to consider other course related content and incorporate it.   The assignment is almost completed just need to put it all together as a letter to me. Critical Thinking & Reflection Overview It has been a long term, time to reflect. Watch this video featuring Alex Pang about the science of rest, and how he discovered that finding a balance between work and relaxation is the ultimate recipe for a valuable life. I would use this time to work on your Final Story Project. The final is worth 200 points of your final grade in this course, which is 2 letter grades. If you have any questions please review the feedback from your Planning assignment and/or ask your Professor. Check the FSP Due Date! Assignment Overview Over the course of this semester, you have had the opportunity to learn about the valuable resources at Valencia and how to navigate your way through college and beyond to successfully accomplish your ultimate purpose in life. As you moved throughout the modules, you were able to reflect on what you have learned and how to apply it in your life which, in turn, will guide you in developing and accomplishing your purpose. For your final story project which counts as your exam, you will create your own story and present where you will be five to eight years from now.  Please refer to your grading notes from the FSP Planning document assignment. While planning your project, think about your audience and bring the background, setting and overall presentation to life. Creative and forward thinking is necessary!
