Question Description

For this assignment, you are to develop a proposed plan that will be inserted into a disaster response plan related to providing water for a community. You are to assume that you will be drawing water from a surface water supply system and treating it through an emergency designed and installed treatment system. You will be developing a storage facility and a transportation system and distribution system for the water that your product.

Activity Directions

Begin by writing your name above. Then,using the resources described in the Module 14 Assignment folder you are to develop a proposed plan that will be inserted into a disaster response plan related to providing water for a community. You are to assume that you will be drawing water from a surface water supply system and treating it through an emergency designed and installed treatment system. You will be developing a storage facility and a transportation system and distribution system for the water that your produce. Your plan to be in your own words and is to be at least 500 words in length. The following sections will be included:

  • Water Intake
  • Treatment
  • Decontamination
  • Temporary emergency storage
  • Transport equipment
  • Distribution network concept

You can use Water supply in disasters and emergenciesas a resource in developing your document. Do not copy and paste text directly from the document.

You may wish to insert graphics from the document as additional information to support your position.

Resources you might need:

Federal Bureau of Reclamation on Teton Dam Collapse
